The international handbook on non-market environmental valuation / - Cheltenham, U.K. ; Northampton, Mass. : Edward Elgar, c2011. - xix, 398 p. : ill., maps ; 24 cm.

Incluye referencias bibliográficas e índice.

The rise and rise of non-market environmental valuation. Jeff Bennett. Using hedonic pricing for estimating compensation payments for noise and other externalities from new roads. Stale Navrud. Jan Strand. A hedonic price model of coral reef quality in Hawaii. Roy Brouwer. Sebastiaan Hess. Yi LiuYi Liu. Pieter van Beukering. Sonia Garcia. Applying the travel cost method to Minorca beaches: some policy results. Pere Riera. Kenneth E. McConnell.
Marek Giergiczny. Pierre-Alexandre Mahieu. The role of water quality perceptions in modelling lake recreation demand. Yongsik lean. Joseph A. Herriges. Catherine L. Kling. John Downing. Testing the robustness of contingent valuation estimates of WTP to survey mode and treatment of protest responses. John Loomis. Armando González-Cabán. Joseph Champ. Consequentiality and contingent values: an emerging paradigm. Gregory L. Poe. Christian A. Vossler. Decision versus experienced utility: an investigation using the choice experiment method. Dugald Tinch. Sergio Colombo. Nick Hanley. Bioindicator-based stated preference valuation for aquatic habitat and ecosystem service restoration. Robert J. Johnston. Eric T. Schultz. Kathleen Segerson.
Elena Y. Besedin. Efficiency versus bias: the role of distributional parameters in count contingent behaviour models. Jeffrey Englin. Arwin Pang. Thomas Holmes. Estimation of household water demand with merged revealed and stated preference data Jeremy Cheesman. Jeff Bennett. Preference heterogeneity and non-market benefits: the roles of structural hedonic and sorting models H. Al/en Klaiber. V. Kerry Smith. Dealing with scale and scope issues in stated preference experiments John Roife. Xuehong Wang. Experimental design strategies for stated preference studies dealing with non-market goods. John M. Rose. Stuart Bain. Michiel C.f. Bliemer. Incentive and information properties of preference questions: commentary and extensions
Richard T. Carson. Theodore Groves. Valid value estimates and value estimate validation: better methods and better testing for stated preference research.
Jan J. Bateman. Evaluating benefit transfer for Canadian water quality improvements using US/Canada metadata: an application of international meta-analysis. Paul J. Thomassin. Robert J. Johnston.

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Conservación ambiental
